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Waterproofing 하위메뉴


  • Waterproofing

Tel : 82-1644-5945

Mobile : 82-10-7169-8665

Green roof waterproofing

Green roof top description
Green roofs have been popular in Europe and North America since the 1970's. Today europeans have over 100 million Sqt. of planted roofs. Green roof tops help manage stormwater by mimicking a variety of hydrologic processes normally associated with open space. plants, soil and air trapped in the soil are great acoustic insulators. It can reduce indoor sound which is of great benefit to occupants of buildings affected by airports, industry traffic and advantages of green roof.
The advantages of green roof include
  • Green roof reduce and delay stormwater runoff
  • Reduced energy costs
  • Reduced urban heat island effect
  • Help improve air quality by reducing CO2 lever
  • Stormwater management
  • Reducing cost of heating and cooling
  • Government incentives
  • Attractive views

Hot applied, cold applied type

Low Type
Description Green roof waterproofing system is high performance, polymer-modified, emulsified asphalt waterproofing membrane, and root barrier.

A polymer modified asphalt improved to be durable at low temperatures which does not soften at gigh temperature and has excellent durability and weather resistance.

SBS triblock copolymer has very low thermal sensitivity, so is not brittle at low temperatures and is fluidic or alkalis.

A polymer modified asphalt with high elasticity and plasticity which is not easily fractured by crack asnd is highly resistant to crack movement self-adhesive at the joint, making a single body for high adhesive strength and water0tightness for a long term basis.

Apply for the plants which is lower than 10 cm.

Cross section
High Type
Description Green roof waterproofing system is using a high performance, polymer-modified, emulsified asphalt waterproofing membrane and root barrier

A polymer modified asphalt improved to be durable at low temperatures which does not soften at gigh temperature and has excellent durability and weather resistance.

SBS triblock copolymer has very low thermal sensitivity, so is not brittle at low temperatures and is fluidic or alkalis

A polymer modified asphalt with high elasticity and plasticity which is not easily fractured by crack asnd is highly resistant to crack movement self-adhesive at the joint, making a single body for high adhesive strength and water0tightness for a long term basis.

Apply for the plants which is higher than 10 cm

Cross section

Self adhesive membrane sheet "magic sheet"

Low Type
Description The slef-adhesive membrane sheet provides waterproofing security by having the waterproofing membrane bonded directly to the structural concrete deck. This system is an excellent system for intensive and extensive green roofs and plaza decks receiving landscaping, paving or concrete overburden

A polymer modified asphalt improved to be durable at low temperatures which does not soften at gigh temperature and has excellent durability and weather resistance.

SBS triblock copolymer has very low thermal sensitivity, so is not brittle at low temperatures and is fluidic or alkalis

A polymer modified asphalt with high elasticity and plasticity which is not easily fractured by crack asnd is highly resistant to crack movement self-adhesive at the joint, making a single body for high adhesive strength and water0tightness for a long term basis.

apply for the plants which is lower than 10 mm

Cross section
High Type
Description The slef-adhesive membrane sheet provides waterproofing security by having the waterproofing membrane bonded directly to the structural concrete deck. This system is an excellent system for intensive and extensive green roofs and plaza decks receiving landscaping, paving or concrete overburden

A polymer modified asphalt improved to be durable at low temperatures which does not soften at gigh temperature and has excellent durability and weather resistance.

SBS triblock copolymer has very low thermal sensitivity, so is not brittle at low temperatures and is fluidic or alkalis

A polymer modified asphalt with high elasticity and plasticity which is not easily fractured by crack asnd is highly resistant to crack movement self-adhesive at the joint, making a single body for high adhesive strength and water0tightness for a long term basis.

apply for the plants which is higher than 10cm

Cross section